Friday, November 14, 2008

the end

This has been a very fun and educational activity. I'm proud that my employers are willing to allow work time for entertaining activities. Of course if we, as a library system, do not embrace these technological changes that are coming our way we will wither. I did learn about and experience some tools that I will use more in the future and some I will never use again unless a customers is asking for help. I also got to help other co-workers at my branch work through the program. Teaching some one else gives the teacher a new insight and I may have learnt as much from teaching as from my own playing. ;o)

Things to take away from this program;
  1. I am going to keep on blogging. I think this has been the funnest part.
  2. I will ask for help when I just don't get it. Someone else I work with probably does.
  3. At least look it over before deciding you can live with out know how to do it.

Things that could be done differently;

  1. Start out slower. Giving us two weeks at the end made life easier.
  2. Include some gadgets like digital cameras. Every branch has one.

As far as doing this again? Oh yeah. I had fun and would do it again.

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