Friday, September 5, 2008

Thing 10

Oh boy! A lot to do this week and me on vacation. Well to get a jump on things I am doing a few early. I figure I'll have enough to catch up on when I get back.
I joined Tweeter and I already had an account with LibraryThing. LibraryThing is alot like Shelfari, which I am also a member. The problem is remembering to add books that I have or am reading. I normally am reading 2 books and listening to 2 more. I have one print book at home and one at work. I also listen to book-on-CD in my car and on my computer at home. I know that sounds crazy but, the one I listen to at home is normally one I already have read or heard before and the print book at work is normally work related. In this context I am only reading and listening to one new book and CD at a time. Doesn't that sound better :o) I drive my husband crazy.
I'll have to work on the image generator when I get back. I have added LibraryThing and Twitter to this blog.

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