Thursday, September 4, 2008

RSS search tools

I tried all three of the search tools given with this weeks 'thing' and I have to say that I did not like any of them. gave me a headache. Every time I went to that site an advertisement was flashing fast and I would get a headache quickly. I did search each site but was confused about how to get the blogs I found to my reader. I'm sure if I copied the IRL and then pasted it to blogger that would work, however; I did not find a blog that interested me enough to do so. Reader has its own search function. Using keywords you can search for topics that interest you and then when you subscribe they are automatically added to Google Reader. Reader also offers bundles, I original subscribed to a bundle but slowly unsubscribe to each blog or news feed within it. I prefer to choose which news feed I want.
I do subscribe to multiple library related blogs. Some are more serious while others are more comic. I also try blogs that have been recommended by friends. Some I subscribe to and some I don't.

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