Monday, August 18, 2008

23 Things @ CML

This is week 2 and the third "thing." I am glad my library system is doing this. We need to keep up with all the useful tools on the web that can make our life easier and make our library system more visible. I already have a blog but decided to start a new one just for this program.

I listened to 7 1/2 habits of highly successful lifelong learners. I have a hard time setting goals and creating steps to reach those goals. I try to do to many things at once and want immediate results. I know that this is not the way to do things but.... I am working on this. I find it easy to play. I use the reward system for myself at home. If I get a certain chore done, one I've been putting off, then I get to play on the computer for an hour or some other fun thing I want to do.

I look forward to reading some of my co-workers blogs and having fun while working through this program. Go CML

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your reward system! I need to try something like that to get our chores done!